Title: Paper Towns
Author: John Green
Publisher: Bloomsbury (UK) | Penguin (USA)
Publication: May 2010 (UK) | 22 Sep 2009 (USA)
Format: Paperback | 320 pages
Genre: YA
Title: Daughters of Fortune
Author: Tara Hyland
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Paperback: 592 pages
Contemporary - Women's Fiction
My rating: 4/10
William Melville's daughters are heiresses to the world's most exclusive fashion dynasty. Beautiful and rich, they are envied by all. But behind the glittering facade of their lives, each girl hides a dark secret that threatens to tear their family apart.
Smart, ambitious Elizabeth, the eldest, knows how to manipulate every man she meets, except the one who counts: her father.
Gentle, naive Caitlin, the illegitimate child, struggles to fit into a world of privilege while staying true to herself.
Stunning, spoilt Amber, the party girl with a weakness for bad boys, is more fragile than anyone realises.
As each of them seeks to carve out her own destiny, they face difficult choices, which will take them in wildly different directions. But as old wounds resurface and threaten to destroy the Melville empire, their paths will cross again. Because the simple truth is that, no matter how far you go, you cannot escape the claims of family.
My thoughts:
This book revolves around the three daughters of William Melville, the owner of the extremely successful fashion company that prides itself on being quintessentially British.
The narration is basically split between the three daughters; Elizabeth, the eldest, Caitlin, the result of a dramatic affair and Amber the typical rich spoilt girl.
I found that the way the book jumped from different years and between different characters was incredibly annoying. A lot of it felt completely unnecessary to the point where I would have to put the book down for a half hour just to be able to get through it. It seemed to me that I couldn't get to know any of the characters properly especially when completely random characters had their own narration and then disappeared again for the rest of the book - there was no need for it.
The book did have its moments. I liked Caitlin's overall story. She had trouble fitting in being an illegitimate child and found the strength to make it for herself without using the family name. I loved her relationship with Lucien who is introduced relatively early on in the story.
What I mostly didn't like though was all the other characters. I really hated Elizabeth and Amber - really, really hated them. Every time I was reading about their lives I was just waiting for Caitlin to come around again.
I also didn't like how affairs were thrown all over the place in the story. It made it seem like it wasn't a big deal so I felt that the affairs that did happen had no consequence just because nobody seemed to care in the story. I would have liked the affair that resulted in Caitlin being born to be the only one - then it would have seemed more significant.
I think the end of the book was the best part. The main plot was revealed and even if it was way, way to late in the story it was a really good plot - really clever. Unfortunately, it didn't make up for the rest of the book for me.
I wouldn't really recommend this book even to people who love this particular genre. Of course, it's just my opinion and you never know! You may love it - it just wasn't my taste at all.
Title: Dark Calling
Author: Darren Shan
Publisher: HarperCollins
My rating: 10/10
I know it's ridiculous.
Lights can't whisper. But I swear I heard a voice calling to me.
It sounded like static to begin with, but then it came into focus, a single word repeated over and over.
Softly, slyly, seductively, insistently.
The Disciples are being manipulated by beings older than time. Only Kernel Fleck knows that something is wrong.
But he is in the grip of a creature who cares nothing for the fate of humanity. Voices are calling to him from the darkness and he's powerless to resist.
Kernel has already been to hell and back. Now he's about to go further...
My thoughts:
I love this book just as much as I love the rest of the books in the series which is a lot.
Dark Calling is almost a break from the rest of the characters and the main action. This one is all Kernel and it follows his journey through Universes to possibly save countless creatures from the Demonata.
This book definitely lags on the action side as there's only one really exciting scene in the whole book. However, it definitely makes up for it with where the plot goes. Some unexpected things happen in this book and I would say most of the plot is revealed. It all starts to come together which makes it a great experience for any reader of the series.
I think readers who started this series purely for the amazing action between the Disciples, main characters and the demons will not enjoy this one so much. It definitely fits right into the series though in terms of the plot and the characters - it takes a really unexpected turn.
This is most definitely another one of my favourite reads.
Title: Hell's Heroes
My rating: 10/10
The girl gazes up at me.
She's even younger than I thought, clutching a small teddy bear in one hand.
"Are you the bogey man?" she whispers, eyes round.
"Yes," I croak, then take hold of her head with my huge, scarred, blood-soaked hands and crush...
Beranabus and Dervish are gone. Bec has formed an unholy alliance with Lord Loss. Kernel is blind, held on Earth against his will. Grubbs is mad with grief and spinning out of control.
The demons are crossing.
The Disciples are falling.
The Shadow is waiting.
Welcome to the end.
My thoughts:
The last book in any series has a lot riding on it. I remember starting to read this for the first time and being so apprehensive purely because I was almost afraid that the end to the series would disappoint me after such great books before this one.
Safe to say I had absolutely nothing to worry about because it was just pure brilliance.
First off, there was an actual ending. I absolutely hate it when a series just ends without leaving the readers with any understanding of what happens to any of the characters and leaves readers to make up their own minds about it. It's not an ending.
Secondly, even though it was the last of 10 books, it still had its own individual plot which in itself was a fantastic read.
There are still plenty of surprises and the ending is definitely unexpected and in no way predictable.
Without going into a rant that never ends, this book is fantastic...period.
This series is definitely one I recommend to anybody who is a fan of horror and is partial to the odd story full of guts, gore and great characters!